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A Generosity of Spirit


Last night my closest friend and I went for dinner, with her little girl, who’s also my goddaughter. 

It was one of many wonderful nights that we’ve shared over the years (over twenty for the two of us and six with the addition of the sweetest human)...

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Home Sweet Home (The Journey ~ Part II)

Almost two months have passed since I wrote the first update on our house renovation here. So much happened over the initial eight months from when we started (without any moments to really take it all in), so I thought I would save the next stage for a new post. 

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Home Sweet Home (The Journey)

It's been an age since I sent out a newsletter, as this year, time has slipped through my fingers like sand.....

In November of last year, as the days closed in early and the leaves fell from the trees, my love and I began the restoration of a lovely, old Victorian home that we had purchased in the depths of winter the year before. 

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Organic Stripe Set

Our aim is to always design pieces that can be worn time and time again. Styles to tie in with what you already own and to be worn across different occasions. 

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Classic Sourdough Recipe

A few years ago, I started baking sourdough and it's become such a wonderful, weekly ritual that I've come to love so much. 

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Delicate Words Blouse

An ode to the Delicate Words Blouse ~ possibly one of the loveliest pieces that I've designed..... 

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Home Sweet Home (The Beginning)

I've often spoken about how important freedom is to me within the way that I run my businesses. This way of working allows me to go about other aspects of my life without restrictions, which in turn creates a balance that I am so thankful for.....

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Quiet Life Blouse

A very generously cut blouse that feels like freedom. A blouse that you wear travelling, creating, painting, to vibrant festivals or quietly reading - comfort tied in with that feeling that you're wearing something truly special. A blouse to wear out to dinner or drape over a swimsuit after swimming in the sea.  

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Looking back....

When my boyfriend and I made the decision to completely change our business model - to no longer sell wholesale, to no longer work to seasons and to work in a much more sustainable way, the majority of people we spoke to made the (understandable) assumption that COVID19 was the reason behind all of this.....

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